Check out the commands Dank Assistant offers!
Check out the Dank Memer multipliers
Syntax: /guide [input]
Calculation of item donation values made easy
Syntax: /itemcalc [input]
Check the price list of Dank items
Syntax: /pricelist
Checkout today's trending game
Syntax: /trending
Requirement calculator for prestige, omega and daily
Syntax: /calc [input]
Read any outstanding/important information about the bot!
Syntax: /alert
Shows the awesome people who helped Dank Assistant out
Syntax: /credits
Donate to the giveaways!
Syntax: /gdonate [time prize winners]
Shows information about Dank Assistant
Syntax: /info
Invite dank assistant to your server!
Syntax: /invite
Shows the link to our donation page on Patreon
Syntax: /patreon
Check premium status, or get a free trial
Syntax: /premium check
Customise your settings
Syntax: /settings server
Vote for Dank Assistant and it's partners!
Syntax: /vote
Reminders for Dank Memer Commands!
Syntax: /reminder [name]